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Irina Mejoueva伊丽娜梅优叶娃- 门德尔松 钢琴作品集WAV


01.Rondo Capriccioso in E major, op.14
02.Fantasie in F sharp minor, op.28 - Con moto agitato
03.Fantasie in F sharp minor, op.28 - Allegro con moto
04.Fantasie in F sharp minor, op.28 - Presto
05.Scherzo a Capriccio in F sharp minor
06.Prelude and Fugue in E minor, op.35 no.1 - Prelude
07.Prelude and Fugue in E minor, op.35 no.1 - Fugue
08.Song without Words in E major, op.19 no.1
09.Song without Words in B minor, op.67 no.5
10.Song without Words in F sharp minor, op.30 no.6 ''VenetianischesGondellied''
11.Variations Serieuses in D minor, op.54



Irina Mejoueva伊丽娜梅优叶娃- 门德尔松 钢琴作品集WAV.rar

